Peter Pan didn't want to grow up... and neither do I. Unfortunately, I can't make a living doing things I love most (namely, playing football and softball, then enjoying a beer while watching the waves roll in on a tropical island), so I have to eke out a living in a cubicle. These stories are all true, and they reflect my best efforts to enjoy the day-to-day.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Things you never want to hear...

I have not been able to access my VPN (virtual private network), which allows me remote access to all the systems and programs from the comfort of home. That's right, I can chill in my Snuggy while doing serious work.

I contacted the Desktop Support help line. For all inquiries, there are three tiers:

Tier 1 - Basic computer functionality check: "Is your computer plugged in? Turned on? Did you spill Coke on the keyboard?" This the gatekeeping tier. It shields the real computer gurus from the folks that need basic operational help. Without this shield, there would probably be at least one homicide a year... and it would probably be completely justified.

Tier 2 - These are the real computer guys. If you reach this level, it validates that there is a legit issue with your machine. Typical operation here? They going to send out someone with a thumb drive full of fixes for routine issues. He stops by the desk, pops in the thumb drive, and then, 30 seconds of idle chit chat later... *POOF* the problem is fixed.

About 99% of issues are resolved by the first two tiers. But when Tier 2 isn't enough...

Tier 3 - This bunch can dig into your computer like E.T. performing a prostate exam. Owwwwwch..

They code, they create... they do it all!

You can imagine my shock when my last contact from the Desktop Support department, Tier 3, read:

"I have tried just about every known fix I have (as well as tapping my fellow techs for their input). I will do a little more reasearch to see if there are other fixes I could try..."

While obviously frustrated, I can't help but feel a sense of pride. I managed to break something in a way that has left the SuperTier scratching their heads and reaching for more Jolt Cola.

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